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Microsoft's AI Platform Team Hosts Awesome Hiring Event with HBCU CONNECT for Latinx Professionals!
Microsoft's WebXT Hosts Successful Latinx Hiring Event in Partnership with HBCU CONNECT!
Microsoft AI Platform HBCU CONNECT Diversity Recruitment Event
Microsoft HBCU CONNECT Latinx Hiring Event Featuring the Data Platform + Growth Team.
Microsoft Office Experiences Organization - Latinx Hiring Event with HBCU CONNECT!
Microsoft CSEO Latinx Hiring Event with & HBCU CONNECT
Microsoft WebXT - Trabajamos Diversity Recruitment Event for Latinx Professionals
Microsoft Office Experiences Org HBCU CONNECT Hiring Event - May 2022
Microsoft Azure Hardware Architecture Diversity Hiring Event with HBCU Connect & Trabajamos 1.19.22
Microsoft HBCU CONNECT Diversity Hiring Event - Featuring AHA & CHIE
Microsoft WebXT HBCU CONNECT Diversity Hiring Event - February 16th, 2021!
HBCUCONNECT.COM Presents Microsoft Core Services Engineering & Operations - Virtual Hiring Event!